La presente raccolta offre al lettore italiano i saggi più significativi di Sante Matteo, una delle voci più originali dell’italianistica americana. Essi – spaziando da Marco Polo e Dante a Foscolo e Manzoni, da Machiavelli a Joyce, dal Risorgimento a Paolo Volponi, tra gli altri – compongono una riflessione coerente e nuova sul problema “Italia”, attraverso la prospettiva della sua pluralità e multiculturalità (ben prima dell’uso corrente di tali termini) e del suo essere da sempre paese in bilico tra definizione di identità, creazione di modelli (anche stilistici e linguistici) e flessibilità, caos, persino rottura (quasi a riflettere le istanze della mente). Una raccolta, infine, sul viaggio fisico e letterario come opportunità di percepire e vedere se stessi più in profondità.
Sante Matteo, nato a Petrella Tifernina (CB), ha conseguito il dottorato in Letteratura Italiana a Johns Hopkins University, ed è stato docente d’italianistica a Brigham Young University, a Middlebury College, e a Miami University, a Oxford, nell’Ohio, dove risiede.
Silvia Carlorosi è Assistant Professor di italiano al Bronx Community College della City University of New York. Ha pubblicato vari saggi di cinema italiano, pedagogia e traduzione. È l’autrice di A Grammar of Cinepoiesis: Poetic Cameras of Italian Cinema (Maryland, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, 2015).
Maria Silvia Riccio ha studiato alla Miami University sotto la guida di Sante Matteo, del quale ha già tradotto diversi saggi raccolti nel volume Radici sporadiche: Letteratura, viaggi, migrazioni (Isernia, Cosmo Iannone, 2007). Insegna lingua e letteratura inglese e si dedica alla traduzione, alla scrittura creativa e al giornalismo amatoriale.
Simone Dubrovic è Professor di italiano al Kenyon College di Gambier, nell’Ohio. Ha pubblicato saggi di letteratura italiana e francese, arte e cinema.
"Questo di Sante Matteo e un volume volutamente vagabondo e promiscuo, come suggerisce lo stesso titolo. E la testimonianza di una missione: di una vita vissuta e di una vita di studio e d'insegnamento universitario e di attivita accademica volta ad espandere il reciproco rispetto, la comprensione e l'apertura tra tutti i gruppi umani--tra gli italiani in Italia e nel mondo, tra italiani e non italiani in Italia, tra tutti i gruppi che formano la societa statunitense. Quella che per molti poteva restare una velleita, per Matteo e stata un'esperienza vitale e un impegno sociale, morale ed intellettuale. [....]"
"[...] Un libro intriso di emozioni, "emozioni che non si lasciano mai, e che non ci lasciano mai" (153) in cui l'autore ci prende per mano e ci porta attraverso le vie infinite del viaggio della vita di ogni essere umano, un viaggio verso l'ignoto, verso la diversità che non servirà per separare ed isolare nessuno, bensì per unire ed apprezzare tutti, con le rispettive diversità di ognuno (multiculturalismo). [...]"
Published proceedings of the "Africa Italy: An Interdisciplinary International Symposium" held at Miami University in Miami, Ohio on Nov. 6-8, 1998. Three dozen speakers from North America, Europe, and Africa met to exchange their knowledge and ideas across various disciplines: geography, history, economics, politics, sociology, and cultural studies. This volume contains their essays.
Bibliographic information
Title: ItaliAfrica: Bridging Continents and Cultures
Issue 22 of Forum Italicum Filibrary series
Editor: ante Matteo
Publisher: Forum Italicum, 2001
ISBN: 1893127222, 9781893127227
Length: 410 pages
"[. . .] ItaliAfrica: Bridging Continents and Cultures is an absorbing and fascinating discourse of many voices, conducted on different levels. It is an exploration of more than two millennia of Italian history and cultural involvement in the life of Africa, as well as a bird's eye view of the many legends describing the multidimensional, real and imaginary, world of Africa. This volume seems structured as a crash course on Africa and Italy. It raises many questions and stimulates interest in further readings. What clearly emerges, however, is the commitment of black and white Italians to overcome the socio-economic marginal status of Africans in Italy by challenging the nineteenth-century Euro-centric ideology that still lingers on in the Italy of the twenty-first century."
"Africa e/è Italia" (S. Matteo);"L’Africa incomincia alle Alpi" (L. Mayer);"Immigrazione ed economia: a che cosa e a chi serve il multiculturalismo"(S. Bellucci);"L’Africa e gli Africani nell’immaginario degli Italiani del Rinascimento" (J. Brackett);"In fuga dal colonialismo. Il viaggio in Italia di un poeta tunisino (XIX sec.)"(A.M. Medici);"L’insostenibile peso di un colonialismo debole" (G.P. Calchi Novati);"Madre della nazione: Una donna italiana nell’Eritrea coloniale"(C. Lombardi-Diop);"L’abbandono: Chi è meticcio, e di chi, nella diaspora eritreo-italiana" (L. Harris);"Alcune osservazioni sulla letteratura africana dell’immigrazione in lingua italiana: la mia patria è la letteratura" (C. Ghezzi);"Identità italiana e letteratura d’immigrazione" (G. Romani);"Due Italiani e due Africani: Moravia, Volponi, Komla-Ebri, Wasswa" (P. Pedroni);"Buster Keaton va in Africa: Avventure in Africa di Gianni Celati"(Ch. Klopp);"Umanesimo e ideologia: Pasolini e gli Appunti per un’Orestiade Africana" (A. Ricciardi);"Cinema e immigrazione nell’Italia di oggi" (G. Parati);"La pelle nera" (M.S. Riccio);"Intervista allo scrittore Kossi Komla-Ebri" (P. Pedroni).
Fara Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 1999; ISBN 8887808007
Dalla recensione di Alessandra Di Maio: "[...] E' il merito di questo originale libro, con la varieta' di approccio ed esito dei suoi interventi, e' soprattutto quello di contribuire all'avvicinarsi dei queste due masse di terra, mettendole in dialogo tra loro."
John Foot, Annali d'italianistica, 2002: "This eclectic and interesting collection of essays is grouped around the broad theme of the relationship between Africa and Italia. The essays are introduced by a 'lettera/introduzione' ('to Italy') by Sante Matteo that introduces some of the sub-themes of the book. For example, there is a hint at the links between Italian immigration and immigration into Italy; the legacy, or non-legacy, of Italian colonialism and invasions of Italy over time; and the status and production of the immigrant writers over various historical periods. Finally, Matteo hints at the possibilities of an original form of cultural renaissance provided for by the arrival of over a million foreign immigrants in Italy over the last twenty years. [...]"
Italian Echoes in the Rocky Mountains: Papers from the 1988 Annual Conference of the American Association for Italian Studies, Held in Provo, Utah
Editors: Sante Matteo, Cinzia Donatelli Noble, Madison U. Sowell
Prologue by Sante Matteo: “Italian Echoes in Faraway Places”
Publisher: American Association for Italian Studies and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies at Brigham Young University, 1990
ISBN: 0842522980, 9780842522984
Length: 226 pages; 6 sections; 20 essays
From the Prologue: "From the slopes and valleys of the Alps and the Appennines Italian voices migrate across seas and continents to echo on distant shores and to reverberate through faraway mountain chains. For three days in April, 1988, the canyons of the Rocky Mountains' Wasatch Front resounded with Italian echoes, echoes of talk about Italian art and music, Italian thought, history and politics, Italian language and literature and film. More than 225 scholars convened in Provo, Utah, for the annual meeting of the American Association for Italian Studies, hosted by Brigham Young University; scholars from divers disciplines: literature, linguistics, history, art, philosophy, music, film studies; and from various parts of the United States and other countries: Canada, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, even Australia. . . .
"[M]ore than two hundred other Italians and italianists, all "neighbors" . . . had come together . . . to explore, question, and share a rich and fertile common heritage which has much to teach and to offer to a world in need of common humanistic values, perhaps now more than ever. Thus, this unprecedented gathering of italianists in the heart of the Rockies, rather than being incongruous, was particularly auspicious precisely because it did take place in the exotic, fabulous, almost mythic landscape of John Ford westerns. [. . .]"
"Although there are twenty articles in this volume, written by scholars from a variety of disciplines, some common threads run through many of them. Among these are 'echoes': echoes of Italian Humanists' ideas; of Verrocchio's art in that of Leonardo; of Gaetano Mosca's ideas in those of Gramsci; and of Rossellini's craft in the films of Italian directors whom he inspired. [. . .]"
Peter Lang Publishing, 1986, Hardcover, 274 pages; ISBN-10 : 0820402974; ISBN-13 : 978-0820402970
The great European writer Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, known primarily for his masterful novel I promessi sposi (The Betrothed), remains relatively unknown and insufficiently appreciated outside the rather narrow confines of Italian studies. Yet, his artistic and theoretical contributions to the Romantic debate and to Western literature were important ones, and influential throughout Europe. The seventeen studies collected in this book analyze and assess Manzoni's divers literary roles: poet, dramatist, novelist, linguist, historian, religious thinker, aesthetic theorist. The articles are written in English, and all quoted Italian passages are also given in English translation. Thus, the book offers the English reader who may not be acquainted with this very important writer an introduction to the beauty, the richness, and the complexity of his wide-ranging writings. And yet, all the articles are original, never-before-published contributions on specific aspects of Manzoni studies which will be of interest to Manzoni scholars everywhere. The contributors (Jean-Pierre Barricelli, Larry H. Peer, Sante Matteo, Murray R. Low, Roberto Severino, Robert A. Hall, Jr., Gregory Lucente, Alfonso Procaccini, Stelio Cro, Clareece Godt, Steven C. Hughes, Massimo Verdicchio, S.B. Chandler, Franco Triolo, and Steven Sondrup) hail from different disciplines – Italian studies, comparative literature, history, linguistics – and include widely recognized experts on Manzoni as well as new voices in the field.
«This volume, containing essays by some of the most distinguished Manzoni scholars outside Italy, offers new perspectives and interpretations. It is a valuable contribution to Manzoni studies and should be considered one of the most significant and comprehensive works published on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of the great Italian writer.» (Ernesto G. Caserta)
From Douglas Radcliff-Umstead's review in Annali d'italianinsitca, 1986, ppl 304-306:
"Sante Matteo 's Textual Exile, The Reader in Sterne and Foscolo represents an attempt at a refreshing and diligently pursued interpretation of Ugo Foscolo 's novel Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis and his Italian translation of Lawrence Sterne's Sentimermtal Journey from the critical approach of reader-oriented theory. Matteo finds inspiration in the writings of Wolfgang Iser, Hans R. Jauss, and Gerald Prince along with Umberto Eco in The Role ofthe Reader to formulate his methodology. The critic is seeking here to uncover the potential reactions of the implied and actual readers of the two Foscolo texts."
Format Hardback | 283 pages
Publication date 1985
Publisher Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York
ISBN10 0820401684
ISBN13 9780820401683