ILR, founded in 1997, is a nonprofit educational organization that offers a wide variety of noncredit courses, special events, and activities to meet the continuing educational and social interests of anyone over age 50. ILR is governed, supported and financed by its members.
Since courses are now delivered online, anyone can take them throughout the world. Consider signing up!
I have been a member of ILR since 2015 and, in addition to taking many courses and teaching quite a few, I have served on several committees, including as Secretary of the Board of Directors.
I have taught literature courses on diverse topics: Dante; Boccaccio; "Pinocchio and How to Make an Italian," "When Romans Became Italians; or Did They?" and "Italian Lovers" (Medieval and Renaissance love poetry); and film courses on various themes: What is Human?; On the Road; Peace and War; Vietnam; To Italy, with Love; Passing; Immigration; In/Visibility.
This fall, October 2022, the theme of the film course will be: What Is Art? Why Is Art? Movies: Girl with a Pearl Earring, Lust for Life, Frida, Basquiat, The Painting (Le Tableau), animated. Look for the ILR Catalog online later this summer.
History: 1849, chartered as the Oxford Female Institute, later, the Oxford College for Women; 1928, acquired by Miami University and used as a dorm for women until the 1980s, when it became a graduate-student dorm, closed in 1998; 2001, repurposed as a community arts center. The first floor, with a ballroom, theater, classrooms, and office spaces, was refurbished for exhibits, receptions, concerts, performances, and administrative offices.
The dorm rooms of the third floor, not refurbished, were made available to local artists to use as studios. When I retired, I asked if writers were considered artists. When told yes, I rented room 307, above, claiming to be a "creative writer," and to justify keeping it year after year, I've had to become one: not a bad way to occupy my time and my mind; delighted to be in an environment steeped in history and vibrant with new art in the making.
In retirement, I have delivered meals to seniors in and around the community, an activity that I have found to be both immensely gratifying, because of the new relationships forged and the gratitude received, and poignant, because of the high injury and mortality rate in such a population. It's also rewarding to get to know and interact with the devoted and generous staff and the volunteers of the Senior Center who are motivated by kindness and neighborliness.
Un avvenimento annuale fondato e organizzato da Giovanni Germano: per quattro giorni si cammina di paese in paese, ogni anno in zone diverse della regione, per scoprire le bellezze naturali e le ricchezze culturali nascoste del Molise, la mia regione di nascita: una bellissima manifestazione che si svolge agli inizi di Agosto dal 1995.